Access to Good Jobs for All

The Department of Labor today announced that its Office of Disability Employment Policy has chosen “Access to Good Jobs for All” as the theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month, which will be observed in October.

NDEAM annually celebrates the contributions of the nation’s disabled workers and showcases supportive, inclusive policies and practices that benefit employees and employers alike.

“Our theme in 2024, ‘Access to Good Jobs for All,’ speaks to our commitment to expand the number of employment opportunities for people with disabilities and the quality of those opportunities,” explained Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy Taryn M. Williams. “Good jobs change lives and all workers – including disabled people – deserve the opportunity to prepare for success in high-quality, good-paying jobs in workplaces free of discrimination.”

In 1945, the nation first designated a national week to recognize the contribution of people with physical disabilities. Designated by Congress as NDEAM in 1988, the commemoration evolved to acknowledge the importance of increasing the number of people with disabilities in the workforce. In 2001, ODEP was created and was given responsibility for NDEAM and for selecting and helping promote its annual theme.

Public Release.