The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su has appointed two new members of the Administrative Review Board.
The ARB issues decisions on behalf of the Secretary of Labor in cases arising under a wide range of worker protection laws, primarily involving environmental, transportation and securities whistleblower protection; H-1B immigration provisions; child labor; employment discrimination; job training; seasonal and migrant workers; and federal construction and service contracts.
The newly appointed members of the Board are as follows:
- Angela Thompson most recently served as general counsel of the Communications Workers of America. Prior to that role, she was associate director of the legal department of the American Federation of Teachers. She also previously worked at the National Labor Relations Board and the department’s Office of the Solicitor
- Jonathan Rolfe served as vice-chair of the department’s Benefits Review Board prior to his appointment. He has been a member of the BRB since 2015 and served as a trial attorney in the department’s Office of the Solicitor.
ARB cases generally arise upon appeal from decisions of the department’s Administrative Law Judges or the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division. Depending upon the statute at issue, the parties may appeal ARB decisions to federal district or appellate courts and ultimately to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ms. Thompson and Mr. Rolfe join ARB Chair and Chief Judge Susan Harthill, Vice Chair Tammy L. Pust and Member Ivey Warren, and their appointments ensure full membership on the Board.