Camaro Thefts Linked to Key Clone Devices: LAPD

On February 24, 2024, the Los Angeles Police Department’s Newton Gang Enforcement Detail (GED) arrested a juvenile found in possession of a key cloning device.

Newton Area auto detectives have noticed that key clone devices have been utilized in many newer model Camaro thefts. These devices are about the size of a cell phone and area programming tool that picks up the signal of a key fob nearby which the device then clones.

In Newton Area, there has been a 500% increase of stolen Camaros. In 2023, two Camaros were stolen out of Newton Area and, year-to-date, there have been 10 Camaros stolen. City-wide, there has been a 1,285% increase of stolen Camaros. In 2023, seven Camaros were stolen city-wide and, year-to-date, there have been 90 Camaros stolen.

To prevent the duplication of key fobs, Newton Area auto detectives advise to never keep key fobs inside the vehicle. Security cases are available on the market that may be utilized to prevent key fobs signals from being transmitted. Home remedies such as wrapping fobs in aluminum foil or placing fobs inside tin cans have been proven effective.

Public Release. More on this here.