Dallas Homicide: Commerce Street and S. Pearl Expy Scene

Dallas Police

35 a.m., Dallas Police responded to a shooting call at the intersection of Commerce Street and S. Pearl Expy. The preliminary investigation determined that two victims were transported to a local hospital with gunshot wounds. One of the victims, 22-year-old Mario Shontez Marchbanks, died from his injuries, and the second victim is in critical condition. A third victim was also located at another hospital in stable condition.

The investigation is ongoing and will be documented on case number 137076-2023

Crime Stopper Information

Crimestoppers will pay up to $5000.00 for information called into Crimestoppers which leads to the arrest and indictment for this or other felony crimes. If you have information about this offense and wish to remain anonymous, please call 214-373-TIPS, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Public Release.