Dallas Police Dept. Releases Use-of-Force Data Online

Dallas Police

Dallas Police release use-of-force report and interactive dashboards to the public

To be further accountable and transparent, the Dallas Police Department is making comprehensive officer use-of-force data available online to the public.

The Department will make the data available in two distinct formats: in a written report and interactive dashboards.

The report will be in a PDF format, while the dashboards use maps, charts, and graphs to present Use-of-Force data in a format that can be filtered by single or multiple data fields.

In April 2022, Dallas Police began working with Police Strategies LLC., a vendor that provides data evaluation and analysis, to study Dallas Police use-of-force data and create the report and dashboards.

The first report analyzed historical data from 2014 to 2021 and provides an in-depth analysis of use of force data from January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021.

For the 2021 report, Dallas PD and Dallas Information and Technology Services (ITS) provided electronic extracts from incident reports that included summaries of the incidents and officer statements.

The findings in the report for Use of Force include:

– Date, Time, and Location of Use of Force Incidents

Public Release.