DOJ Settles Citizenship Bias Claims With Health Firm

at its Siler City location from at least February 2022 to at least December 2022.

Under the settlement, HCSG will pay a civil penalty to the United States, and provide backpay to an affected worker. The agreement also requires HCSG to train its personnel on the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)’s requirements, revise its employment policies, broadly recruit workers, avoid unnecessary English-language requirements in its job ads and be subject to departmental monitoring. The INA’s anti-discrimination provision prohibits employers from asking for specific or unnecessary documents because of a worker’s citizenship, immigration status or national origin when checking permission to work.

IER is responsible for enforcing the INA’s anti-discrimination provision. This law prohibits discrimination based on citizenship status and national origin in hiring, firing or recruitment or referral for a fee; unfair documentary practices ; and retaliation and intimidation .

Find more information on how employers can avoid discrimination in recruitment, hiring and employment eligibility verification on IER’s website. Learn more about IER’s work and how to get assistance through this brief video . Applicants or employees who believe they were discriminated against based on their citizenship, immigration status or national origin in hiring, firing, recruitment or during the employment eligibility verification process (Form I-9 and E-Verify), or subjected to retaliation, may file a charge . The public can also call IER’s worker hotline

Public Release. More on this here.