Fayetteville Caregivers Get $174K Back Pay, Labor Dept Recovers

Employer: CAH Inc., operating as Community Alternative Housing

Investigation site: 2905 Breezewood Ave.

Suite 104

Fayetteville, NC 28303

Investigation findings: Investigators with the department’s Wage and Hour Division found the North Carolina home health care service paid employees straight-time rates for all hours worked. By doing so, the employer failed to pay the employees a time-and-a-half premium for hours over 40 in a workweek, an overtime violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Back Wages Recovered: $174,751 for 50 workers

Quote: “All workers deserve the wages they legally earned, including those who provide essential care to people in our communities,” said Wage and Hour Division District Director Richard Blaylock in Raleigh, North Carolina. “Employers with questions about their obligations should contact us for free guidance that could help them avoid paying a significant amount of back wages and – as in the case of this employer – work cooperatively to correct violations found as soon as they are discovered.”

Background: CAH Inc. is non-profit that provides day programs, residential services, community services and independent living services to children, adolescents and adults.

Public Release.