Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address in Brief

President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, calling on Congress to work with him to unite the nation and “finish the job” of rebuilding the economy and encouraging democracy. He highlighted his administration’s achievements in creating jobs, overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, and restoring the nation’s democracy.

Biden also sought to offer a reassuring assessment of the country’s condition and set out his vision for the future, focusing on areas of potential bipartisanship such as infrastructure and high-tech manufacturing. He pledged to defend social security and Medicare and criticized Republicans for wanting to repeal Democrats’ climate change and healthcare law.

The president appeared relaxed and confident during his 73-minute speech, adlibbing remarks and engaging with both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. He faced criticism from some Republicans, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, who called him a “liar”. Biden responded to the criticism and reaffirmed his commitment to protecting social security and Medicare.

In his address, Biden repeated the phrase “finish the job” 13 times, challenging lawmakers to complete the work of his administration and tackle issues such as capping insulin costs, confronting climate change, raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, and banning assault-style weapons. However, the divided government may prove to be a hindrance in making progress on these fronts.

You can watch the 2023 State of the Union Address here: