Labor Dept Grants $57M for Homeless Veterans’ Workforce Entry

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of more than $57 million in grants to support programs that help veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness overcome barriers to the workforce and find meaningful employment.

Administered by the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service, the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program awarded more than $15 million to fund 34 new three-year grants, and $42 million to 123 organizations now in their second or third years in the program. These organizations provide participating veterans with occupational skills, connect them with Registered Apprenticeships or other on-the-job training, and deliver job search and placement services.

“Homeless veterans face a complex set of problems and require multiple approaches to deliver needed services,” explained Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training James D. Rodriguez. “The Department of Labor understands that access to a good job is an important part of reducing or preventing veteran homelessness. The grants announced today will assist veterans in overcoming obstacles to finding and retaining meaningful employment.”

HVRP awards grants competitively to nonprofit and for-profit organizations, Native American Tribal governments, state and local workforce development boards, state and local government agencies, higher education institutions and faith-based and community organizations. Through the program’s services, veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness can learn occupational skills, participate in apprenticeships or on-the-job training opportunities, and receive job search and placement assistance.

Public Release.