Labor Dept Offers $10.5M for Mine Safety Training, Education

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that its Mine Safety and Health Administration is making $10.5 million in grant funding available to help provide mine safety training for the nation’s miners.

MSHA will award these grants as part of its fiscal year 2024 State Grants program to fund the delivery of federally mandated training and re-training for miners working at surface and underground coal and metal and nonmetal mines.

“The State Grants program is one way that MSHA can focus on protecting the health and safety of miners across the country,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson. “That training needs to include educating miners about the hazards associated with silica and how they can exercise their rights to minimize their risks.”

State, tribal and territorial governments are eligible recipients in the agency’s State Grants Program. MSHA may fund up to 80 percent of the program costs under a state grant, with the recipient required to provide at least 20 percent of the total program costs.

MSHA recognizes state training programs are a key source of mine safety and health training and education. The agency encourages state programs to use these grants to make training a priority for small mining operations and underserved mines and miners, such as miners employed in shell dredging and surface stone, sand and gravel mines. The agency also emphasizes training on miners’ statutory rights under the Mine Safety and Health Act.

Grant applications must be submitted by August 20, 2024, and grants will be awarded on or before Sept. 30, 2024.

View grant opportunity.

Public Release.