MPD Focuses on Traffic Safety with Checkpoints in DC

DC Metropolitan Police

As the District of Columbia continues to see a nearly 50% increase in traffic fatalities, the Metropolitan Police Department is continuing to focus on traffic enforcement and education throughout the city. Over the Fourth of July weekend, MPD deployed officers in each of our seven police districts to focus specifically on drivers who are impaired, distracted, or driving in an unsafe manner.

In addition to focusing on traffic safety in each district, MPD also conducted two high-visibility Traffic Safety Compliance Checkpoints over the Fourth of July Weekend where officers focused on promoting safe driving, providing education, traffic violation enforcement, along with taking suspected impaired drivers and unsafe drivers off the road.

During the Traffic Safety Compliance Checkpoints, MPD had the below outcomes:

The District of Columbia continues to work towards eliminating all fatal and serious injury crashes through the citywide Vision Zero initiative. MPD wants drivers to stay safe while on the roads and address drivers who put others at risk.

MPD will continue focusing on traffic enforcement and education throughout the summer as the District of Columbia surpasses a nearly 50% increase in traffic fatalities when compared to this time last year. Additional Traffic Safety Compliance Checkpoints are planned for numerous locations throughout the district.

The Metropolitan Police Department is committed to our partnerships with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the District Department of Transportation, and the US Department of Transportation to make the roadways in our communities a safe place for everyone.

Public Release. More on this here.