www.sec.gov/oasb”>Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation has opened registration for the SEC’s 42nd Annual Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation, which will take place April 24-27. The virtual forum will run each day from 1-2:30 p.m. ET and will feature speakers, including SEC Commissioners, with in-depth knowledge of the issues facing small businesses and their investors. Sessions will focus on the following topics:
Monday, April 24: Exploring the Early-Stage Landscape: Trends and Strategies in Capital Raising
Tuesday, April 25: Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Laying the Groundwork to Support Small Businesses and Their Investors
Wednesday, April 26: Investing in Small Business: Successes and Challenges Facing Smaller Funds
Thursday, April 27: Accessing the Public Markets: Becoming and Staying a Public Reporting Company
The 2022 Forum Report summarizing last year’s forum proceedings and the recommendations of participants was released on July 28, 2022.