The U.S. Department of Labor today announced that approximately $312 million is available in grant funding for organizations to provide community service and offer work-based learning to older workers through the Senior Community Service Employment Program.
The department’s Employment and Training Administration will award between 10 and 22 national grants, ranging from $2 million to $50 million each. Successful applicants must also provide a 10 percent non-federal funding match. Grants will support projects that include innovative and holistic solutions to address the unique needs, goals and barriers to employment for adults in the SCSEP, including strategies to increase equity in participant recruitment and service delivery.
Authorized by the Older Americans Act, SCSEP grants will provide subsidized, part-time community service training for unemployed, low-income adults, ages 55 and older with low employment prospects. The funding will allow grantees to assign older participants to various community service roles at non-profit and public facilities, such as day care centers, senior centers, schools and hospitals. The community service assignments aim to promote self-sufficiency for participants and serve as a bridge to unsubsidized employment.
Successful applicants will develop and maintain strong partnerships with host agencies and employers and incorporate on-the-job experiences, skill-specific training and supportive services to help participants obtain good jobs. A portion of the available funding is designated for use by competitive applicants who will provide employment services to older Native Americans or Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders.